25 Years VW Škoda - 2016
Multichannel Image Soundtrack
Since 1991 Czech automotive company Škoda has been part of the Volkswagen Group. In spring of 2016 the companies organized an event in Mladá Boleslav, Škoda's home base, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of this affiliation. The German agency Jangled Nerves conceived a dramaturgy comprising speeches by representatives of the company management and Czech politics, show runs of various Škoda models, a performance by the Prague Brass Ensemble as well as the screening of five films that had been produced specifically for the event. Idee und Klang Audio Design composed and produced the soundtrack to these films and finalized it with a dedicated multichannel mix. In addition, several musical modules such as intro-, teaser- and background music were produced.
Client: jangled nerves gmbh for ŠKODA AUTO a.s.