Schwarm / Fluid – 2021

Generative Video- and sound installation

In the entrance area of KPMG in Zurich, we designed a generative and interactive video and sound installation in two versions on behalf of LOOSLI & ZEHNDER, in collaboration with Tweaklab.

The first version, 'Schwarm', consisted of numbers moving visually and acoustically through the space based on algorithms like a swarm. The video and audio systems were interconnected, allowing parameters such as density, spread, speed and position of the swarm to be transferred to the sound synthesis in real time.

In the second version, 'Fluid', a visual animation of colored liquids is shown. The two versions differ in sonic realization in color, materiality, density, physicality, and spatiality to make the perception of the entity shown as tangible as possible. At the same time, the entrance area acquires a welcoming and lively atmosphere.


scenography: LOOSLI & ZEHNDER
client: KPMG AG
video and media technique: Tweaklab AG