Ramón to release a soundscape composition from Venice
March 2024
Ramón De Marco will release a soundscape composition from his time during his residency in Venice as an album. The piece is called “l’ora senza nome” and will be released via the Italian label Galaverna. The soundscape composition is an extraordinary journey into another dimension of Venice and explores the lagoon in the context of acoustic ecology. The album contributes to a sensitisation to the way we interact with this fragile habitat and shines a light on its beauty and diversity. The release date is set for the 21st of March 2024.
Deep vinyl listening session at Hochschule Luzern
February 2024
Central Switzerland's hi-fi Eldorado is located in the HörRaum at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Almost 11,000 records and 18,5000 CDs are lined up here on simple wall shelves. In the centre of the room, a circle of navy blue armchairs invites you to sit down. Man-high loudspeakers flank the arrangement, the sounding heart of the room. On 2 September, anyone interested can take a seat in the armchairs of the HörRaum: The room is one of numerous attractions at the "Kampus-Fest". All institutions of the Campus Südpol will open their doors on this day, including the Department of Music.
Planet Earth: New building at natural history museum Basel
February 2024
Together with Groenlandbasel Architektur und Ausstellungen, we applied for the mandate for the new exhibition at Naturhistorisches Museum Basel - and won it! Really looking forward to this exciting project!
Klangfest & opening of Klangweg Toggenburg
February 2024
Save the date: Our long-term project with Klangwelt Toggenburg is finally opening its gates: The new Klangweg is going to open on May 18 2024! There will be a whole weekend of celebration, music & many other attractions, so make sure to come by at Klangfest 2024 from May 16th to May 18th!
An evening full of space, silence & John Cage
January 2024
We've been invited to a very inspiring event of Verein ZwischenZeit in Basel. Special guest was the drummer and percussionist Sylwia Zytnyska, who performed an extract of 'Silence' by John Cage and talked about space and silence in music. Thanks for the invitation, we loved it!

Beyond Listening: Agency, Art and the Environment
November 2023
We had a great time in Budapest, attending the "Beyond Listening: Agency, Art and the Environment", an International Symposium on Sonic Ecologies. Ramon was giving a lecture about our project Klangwelt Toggenburg, as well as introducing the Swiss Society for Acoustic Ecology (SSAE). Moreover, he presented his installation from Venice as a soundscape composition at a concert night during the conference.
Surprise guest at HarbourClub in Basel
November 2023
Ramon made a guest appearance at a symposium on 'corporate listening' at HarbourClub in Basel, where he attended as a surprise guest to close the event.
Visiting the construction site of Klanghaus Toggenburg
November 2023
Recently, we had a network meeting of our freshly founded Swiss Society for Acoustic Ecology (SSAE) in Toggenburg. Being in Toggenburg, we of course also visited the construction site of the new Klanghaus Toggenburg, which will open its gates in May, together with the new Klangweg. We are super excited about this one

Visiting KorSonoR symposium in Geneva
October 2023
We had a lovely time visiting the KorSonoR symposium in Geneva, where we had the pleasure to talk about our recently founded Swiss Society of Acoustic Ecology (SSAE)