HELGA: Jascha Dormann on Sounds of Silence

HELGA: Jascha Dormann on Sounds of Silence

October 2021

After being postponed several times, the conference for specialists working in scenography and communications finally took place at HELGA Basel on October 22. Together with Rolf Indermühle (ZMIK), Jascha Dormann of Idee und Klang Audio Design spoke about the work on Sounds of Silence, our past exhibition at the Museum of Communication in Bern.

Our publication is printed and available!

Our publication is printed and available!

May 2021
After a year in which we invested a lot of energy and heart and soul in the work on our publication Sound Scenography | Klangszenografie - The Art of Designing Sound for Spaces, we can now proudly hold the freshly printed copies in our hands. From now on it is available for everyone interested in the topic of staging spaces and environments through sound. The book was published by avedition, a specialist publisher for architecture and design, and can be ordered through us: hi@ideeundklang.notexisting@nodomain.comcom

Sound Scenography – Publication

Sound Scenography – Publication

February 2021
To mark the 15th anniversary of Idee und Klang Audio Design, we have created a publication that is dedicated to the topic of sound scenography, and at the same time reflects on our work with sound & space. The publication will be released in March 2021 and will be published by avedition – Publishers for Architecture and Design. Follow this link to a first impression of the book you can hear – a binauralized version of John Cage's piece 4'33''.

Earth at its Limits - Special Exhibition

Earth at its Limits - Special Exhibition

November 2020
The new special exhibition 'ERDE AM LIMIT' ('Earth at its Limits') opens at the Natural History Museum Basel on November 20. Visitors are already attuned to the topic by means of a sound installation in the stairwell. In the exhibition rooms proper, people will experience idyllic 3-D soundscapes of still intact natural environments, and they can also witness the sounds of the forces of nature when listening to a binaural audio rendering with headphones.

Competition at IWM London

Competition at IWM London

October 2019
We won the competition for the conception and realisation of the entire sound world of the new Holocaust Galleries at the Imperial War Museum London! Our work will be part of a complete redesign of the exhibition. We are working together with an excellent project team consisting of Fraser Randall, Casson Mann and Squint Opera. The opening of the Second World War and Holocaust Galleries at IWM London is scheduled for 2021.


BrandEx Winner Gold

BrandEx Winner Gold

We are happy and proud to pronounce another award for our exhibition Sounds of Silence at the Museum of Communication Bern: The BrandEx Gold Award in the category Architecture, best thematic exhibition at the BrandEx - International Festival of Brand Experience. At this point we would like to thank our team in particular as well as our partners ZMIK spatial designBettina Mittelstrass, USOMO and Büro Berrel Gschwind.

New Corporate Sound Architecture

New Corporate Sound Architecture

January 2020
Idee und Klang Audio Design created an inspiring world of sound for the new corporate architecture for the Baden branch of Neue Aargauer Bank, which was developed by Bureau Hindermann.

Real to Reel: A Century of War Movies

Real to Reel: A Century of War Movies

March 10 2016
This exhibition in the imperial war museum in London (Opening: 30 June 2016) will explore how film-makers have found inspiration from war's inherent drama to translate stories of love and loss, fear and courage, triumph and tragedy into blockbusters for the big screen. Idee und Klang Audio Design created the Sound Design.
Client: Imperial War Museum

International Sound Award 2019

International Sound Award 2019

September 2019
On 19.9.2019 we received the International Sound Award / Category Soundscapes and Ambient Sound in Hamburg.
We thank the Museum für Kommunikation in Bern for their trust! And our partners, ZMIK GmbH and Framed Immersive Projects GmbH & Co. KG.