Berlin and its Monuments

Berlin and its Monuments

March 16 2016
The 'Zitadelle Spandau' is going to open its new permanent exhibition 'Unveiled. Berlin and its monuments' on 29th of April. The historic-cultural exhibition is going to show political monuments, which have been shaping the townscape since the 19th century. We designed and realised the sonic concept.
Client: Zitadelle Spandau

Being all Ears at Museum Aargau

Being all Ears at Museum Aargau

March 10 2016
On the 10th of April the Museum Aargau is starting the season 'Ears Open' with installations at the 'Legionärspfad' and the 'Klosterkirche Königsfelden'. Over the summer visitors will be invited to experience historically inspired sound installations realised by Idee und Klang Audio Design at six historical sites. 
Client: Museum Aargau

Speech at Helga

Speech at Helga

February 12 2016
In four weeks on the 11th of March, Ramon is going to make a speech on the topic of "Inspiration" at Helga 2016 - the conference for scenography and communication in space in Zurich. Are you ready to be inspired? Tickets

Museum of Future Government Services in Dubai

Museum of Future Government Services in Dubai

February 8 2016
Last weekend Dubai’s Museum of Future Government Services has been officially opened by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum – bringing with it a visionary glimpse into our daily lives in the near future. Idee und Klang Audio Design has created the complete sound design.
Client: Tellart

Sound Walk

Sound Walk

February 2 2016
On the 27th of April, the International Day of Noise, Ramon De Marco will lead a sound walk through Basel. While experiencing different sound phenomena, participants are invited to discover the "voice of the city".
Registration: Sound Walk

Scenographical Colloquium 2016

Scenographical Colloquium 2016

January 25 2016
On 28th of January Ramon De Marco is going to give a speech at "DASA Szenografie Kolloquium 2016" about "The Potential of Sound in Space". The 16th colloquium is taking place in Dortmund on the subject of "Museum and City - City and Museum".

Being all ears!

Being all ears!

October 27 2015
In 2016, the Museum Aargau will be starting a series of 'Years of Senses'. The first year is all about hearing - the auditive perception. Idee und Klang is creating the concept.
Client: Museum Aargau

Swiss Alpine Museum

Swiss Alpine Museum

October 3 2015
Today onwards, the Swiss Alpine Museum shows a hundred feature films, cartoons, and short films from the last hundred years in the form of a daring collage. Out of old film sequences Idee und Klang Audio Design created the Audio Design. 
Client: Alpines Museum der Schweiz

Award for

Award for "Der Meisterfälscher"

September 24 2015
At the tenth Eurovision Creative Forum, the EBU Community has awarded the five-piece documentary series "Der Meisterfälscher" as the best TV format. Idee und Klang Audio Design composed the Sound Intro. 
Client: Schweizer Radio- und Fernsehen (SRF)