Talk at Quersumme
September 15 2016
October 07, 6:15 pm to 6:15 pm at the Idee und Klang atelier. Within the event Quersumme: Ramón De Marco, creative director and audio designer at Idee und Klang Audio Design will talk about the potential and the effect of sound in exhibitions based on examples of projects of idee und klang.
More info here.
Erste Bank
September 07 2016
Located on the new Campus of Erste Bank in Vienna, an interactive exhibition based on the story of money will be opened. Idee und Klang Audio Design was commisioned to compose thematic soundscapes for this media environment.
Opening October 2016
Client: jangled nerves
Fascination Airport
May 26 2016
From now on the Swiss Museum of Transport offers an entertaining insight into the processes and operations of an airport. On behalf of iart ag we created sounds with original sounds of airports and tower signals of the Zurich airport for a moving video installation.
Client: iart ag
Long night of Museums in Zurich
March 23 2016
Together with Serge Schmuki from Tokyo Blue and Uwe Lützen from Sprachwandler we create a sound and light installation which will be seen at the long night of Museums in Zurich (3rd September 2016). We design the sound for the historical rooms to bring to mind the political daily routine.
Client: Kantons- und Gemeinderat der Stadt Zürich
Sounds for Emmi Kaltbach
March 20 2016
We composed sounds for the established visitor center of Emmi Kaltbach. Through interactive installations, video projections and sound effects the visitors can experince the natural limestone cave in a holisitc way.
Client: iart ag
Berlin and its Monuments
March 16 2016
The 'Zitadelle Spandau' is going to open its new permanent exhibition 'Unveiled. Berlin and its monuments' on 29th of April. The historic-cultural exhibition is going to show political monuments, which have been shaping the townscape since the 19th century. We designed and realised the sonic concept.
Client: Zitadelle Spandau
Being all Ears at Museum Aargau
March 10 2016
On the 10th of April the Museum Aargau is starting the season 'Ears Open' with installations at the 'Legionärspfad' and the 'Klosterkirche Königsfelden'. Over the summer visitors will be invited to experience historically inspired sound installations realised by Idee und Klang Audio Design at six historical sites.
Client: Museum Aargau
Speech at Helga
February 12 2016
In four weeks on the 11th of March, Ramon is going to make a speech on the topic of "Inspiration" at Helga 2016 - the conference for scenography and communication in space in Zurich. Are you ready to be inspired? Tickets
Museum of Future Government Services in Dubai
February 8 2016
Last weekend Dubai’s Museum of Future Government Services has been officially opened by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum – bringing with it a visionary glimpse into our daily lives in the near future. Idee und Klang Audio Design has created the complete sound design.
Client: Tellart